
Thursday, 5 May 2016

The Immersion Assembly

Immersion Assembly

Early monday morning was the school Immersion assembly, meaning that today was the first day back at school. All of the teachers either made a movie or a live performance.

As I walked into the hall I was excited to find out what our topic for the term was going to be. Playing in the hall on repeat a song that resembled the following “All i do is art”. Some teachers were wearing some creative costumes like a pallet of paint and a hat as a brush.

Team one talked about doing their favourite things, Chocolate and more, they made a video and said all of their favorite things. Team two talked about seasons and how they were going to draw all different things.
Team three are doing Architecture they made a funny video like Grand Designs but it was just a tent.

Out of all 5 performances my favourite was Team 4, their topic is Comics they made a humorous video with super heroes, Bat Guy, Team Leader America, Wondering woman and the Villain Bear Baxendine..

As the team 5 teachers walked up to the stage they were dressed in colors of our House Teams Red(Te Aurere), Blue ( Hine Moana), Green ( Hokulea) and Yellow ( Hikianalia). They all lined up for a race, in the end Hokulea won.

1 comment:

  1. Great recount of this terms immersion assembly Zane. I particularly like the sophisticated vocabulary you used.

    Keep up the positive attitude towards learning.

    Miss Clark :)


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